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Life and Death of Saint Malachy the Irishman

Life and Death of Saint Malachy the Irishman

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Paperback / softback


Publisher: Liturgical Press
ISBN: 9780879079109
Number of Pages: 178
Width: 14 cm
Height: 21.6 cm

The life of a saint by a saint. Malachy O'Morgair spent his life and considerable energies exhorting, wheedling, badgering, and praying his countrymen back to christian faith and practice. Bernard holds him up in this Life, eulogy, and hymn as a model to bishops.

'He was a man truly holy, a man of our times, a man of outstanding wisdom and virtue, a burning and a shining light even now [after his death] not quenched but only withdrawn.' In these words Bernard of Clairvaux, himself a great saint of the twelfth century, expressed his admiration for his friend and contemporary, Malachy O'Morgair, monk and bishop of the Irish Church. 

Once the land of saints, Ireland had fallen on hard and unholy times by the late eleventh century. An Irishman born, Malachy took as his task in life the reform of the Church in his native land: the re-establishment of discipline, the regularization of worship, and the re-introduction of monastic life. 

Malacy 'fell asleep happily in the Lord' shortly after midnight on the feast of All Souls, 1148, at the cistercian abbey of Clairvaux; on the day and at the place he had prayed he might, and foretold he would, die. Abbot Bernard celebrated the requiem. In his homily then and later in a biography, another homily, and a hymn, he spoke of the bishop as a modern saint. His judgement was confirmed by the western Church in 1190, when Malachy became the first formally canonized saint of Ireland, more nearly again a land of saints. 

Table of Contents
The Life and Death of Saint Malachy the Irishman
Introduction   1
The Life of Saint Malachy   9
Preface   11
Text   15
Sermon on the Passing of Saint Malachy the Bishop   95
Homily on the Anniversary of the Death of Saint Malachy   105
  I.   Saint Bernard's Epitaph on Saint Malachy   113
  II.  Saint Bernard's Hymn in Honor of Saint Malachy   117
Abbreviations   123
Notes   127
Index   151

Bernard of Clairvaux, Robert T. Meyer

While medieval hagiography is never unambiguously reliable as a historical source, these works do present a clear statement of Bernard's ideals of sanctity. They also present a generally accurate picture of the Irish church in the mid-twelfth century-a church living amid great social disorder and as yet untouched by the Gregorian reform or the new monastic institution.Church History

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