Catholic Church and Social Change in Nicaragua
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This book presents an in-depth, uniquely historical perspective on Nicaragua, focusing on the key role of the Catholic Church in the political, social, and religious issues that confront this country today. It examines the profound transformation of the Church via the radical approach of liberation theology and the development of the clergy's socio-political alliances in Nicaragua. Foroohar's analysis highlights the complex role of religion in politics and social change in Latin America.
1. The Catholic Church in Nicaragua
Historical Background
The Nicaraguan Catholic Church and the Independence Movement
Conservative-Liberal Conflict and Foreign Intervention
Expulsion of Jesuits
Political Development and the Church
Zelaya and the United States
North American Direct Intervention
The Church and the North American Intervention
Sandino's Struggle
The Catholic Church and Sandino
The Liberal Government
The Catholic Church and Liberal Governments
2. Economic Formation and Sociopolitical Conflict
Industrial System
Sociopolitical Conflict
Political Opposition
3. The Response of Latin American Catholics to Socioeconomic Problems
Liberation Theology
The Church and Politics
Catholicism and Class Struggle
The Latin American Church and Class Struggle
The Catholic Church and Socialism
4. Implementation of Liberation Theology in Nicaragua, 1968–72
A Conservative Hierarchy
Radical Clergy
First National Pastoral Meeting
Public Expression of New Ideas
New Leadership in the Catholic Church
5. The 1972 Earthquake and the Aftermath
Growing Political Opposition
The Catholic Church and the Opposition
Unión Democrática de Liberación (UDEL)
Dissident Liberals
The Social Christian Party
The Conservative Opposition
The Socialists
Workers' Unions
UDEL's Program
6. The FSLN and the Progressive Church
Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional
The Student Movement and the FSLN
The Political Opposition and the Reforms of the 1960s
FSLN and the Catholic Church
Military and Political Work
The FSLN in the 1970s
Radicalization of the Christian Base Communities in Managua
The Process of Radicalization in Barrio Riguero, 1972–77
The Process of Radicalization in Barrio OPEN 3, 1972–77
Radicalization in San Pablo Parish
Rural Population and the Catholic Church
The Capuchin Fathers in Zelaya
Repression in Zelaya
Repression in Other Rural Communities
Transformation of the Peasantry and the Rural Church
Public Condemnation of the Repression
7. Intensification of the Political Conflict and Clarification of the Sociopolitical Alliance
The October Offensive, National Dialogue, and the Role of the Church
The Assassination of Pedro Joaquin Chamorro and the General Strike
Collapse of the Bourgeois Leadership
The FSLN and the Bourgeoisie
The Last Attempt to Stop the Revolution: the United States, the Nicaraguan Bourgeoisie, and the Catholic Hierarchy