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Transitional Ministry

A Time of Opportunity

Transitional Ministry

A Time of Opportunity

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Publisher: Church Publishing Inc
ISBN: 9780898696226
Number of Pages: 194
Published: 01/06/2009
Width: 14 cm
Height: 21.6 cm

Interim clergy and the members they serve need the skill and experience to maintain congregational vitality during transition. This book presents a clear and up-to-date approach to both the value and various settings of this specialized ministry. Chapter

James B. Lemler, Loren Mead, Molly Dale Smith

Molly Dale Smith is a trained interim specialist and president of Transitional Ministries in the Episcopal Church (TMEC) and president-elect of the National Network of Episcopal Clergy Associations. She has served churches in the dioceses of West Missouri, Newark, New Jersey, Florida, and New York. She lives in Nashville, Tennessee.

"A worthwhile contribution to the current thinking in the field. It is a good overview of the tools, best practices, and experiences of transitional ministry. The resource section is especially up to date and valuable. I would recommend this book for clergy considering a call to ministering in congregations in transition or for lay leaders who anticipate managing a transition in their local congregation." -The Episcopal New Yorker

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