Want the children in your congregation to leave with God’s Word on their lips and in their hearts? This collection of The Revised Common Lectionary readings (Old Testament, Psalm, New Testament, and Gospel), are paraphrased for children to be read aloud in Sunday morning worship, will help kids easily read and understand the word God has for their lives. This collection of lectionary paraphrases is written in a child’s speaking voice, NOT as an adult telling a story to the children. The psalms include a refrain for the entire congregation that closely parallels to the Book of Common Prayer’s version.
Lyn Zill Briggs is a mother and a parish priest. She delights in connecting kids of all ages to God in their lives. She was inspired when hearing a child lead the paraphrased psalm one Sunday in worship and said to herself, “If I were talking to God, thats exactly what I would say." She is active in the Episcopal Diocese of Utah, where she serves as the Education for Ministry Coordinator. She serves as vicar of the Church of the Resurrection in Centerville, Utah, and lives in Salt Lake City.
"Lyn Zill Briggs has given to us an invaluable resource that can be used to make the lectionary readings come alive for children and adults. After all, aren't we (adults) children at heart? When one reads these texts one is struck by the immediacy of the lessons. They communicate in a way that brings the stories and lessons to life. This is so because the Bible is so very alive for The Rev. Briggs. A great big thank you to Lyn for this volume that will be treasured by all who will read it and use it." **--The Rt. Rev. Scott B. Hayashi, Episcopal Diocese of Utah **
"There are so many possibilities of using this resource in worship, bible study with children, children's chapel, or intergenerational gatherings, that this is a must-have for anyone who does liturgical planning, ministry with children and youth, or intergenerational ministry. God's Word, My Voice is a great resource for the whole church as we seek to more fully engage in what God's Word says to each of us." **--The Rev. Shannon Kelly, Associate for Curriculum Development, Living Compass and Acting Missioner for Lifelong Formation, the Episcopal Church **
"A gift for Episcopal school chaplains and parish clergy who have been looking for a way to remain true to the richness of the lectionary but in words that young children can understand. Look no further. This is it."
**--Ann Mellow, Associate Director, National Association of Episcopal Schools **
"It helped improve my understanding of the Bible with excellent, clear writing. After church, I would sometimes pick up the bulletin just to re-read the lessons. I hope other readers feel the same appreciation that I do about these stories." **--Rhys Harwood, twelve-year-old lector, Church of the Resurrection, Salt Lake City, Utah **
"Instilling a heartfelt relationship with Holy Scripture is one of the primary tasks of the Christian educator, and this volume should be one of our primary resources. Within it, you'll find our common lectionary paraphrased with uncommon sensitivity to the voices of young people, and to their roles as learners and leaders within congregations and families. And don't be surprised if you find your adults listening and learning anew as well, as always is the case when we allow the children to lead us." **--The Rev. Julia McCray-Goldsmith, Ministry Development Officer and Working Group Head for Discipleship Ministries, Diocese of California **
"Lyn Briggs offers us a book that breaks open the words we say at baptism, 'Give them an inquiring and discerning heart, the courage to will and to persevere, a spirit to know and to love you, and the gift of joy and wonder in all your works.' This book presents the lectionary in a way that our children can more fully discern and inquire the meaning of the biblical text. I believe that when we use these texts, children will enter into the wonder of the Word of God." * --The Rev. Shawn Schreiner, Rector of Grace Church, Oak Park, Illinois, and co-author of *The Rite Place: Kids to Worship! Adults Do Too! **
"This new lectionary for children feeds the child in us all with fresh words that are true to the Good News and true to a child's capacity for mystery, awe, and wondering. It will be a most-excellent resource for those faith communities rich in children. It will be a most-excellent encouragement to those faith communities who yearn for children in their midst. Receive the gift--fresh voice, fresh words, fresh lives."
**--The Rev. Jan Smith Wood, Rector of Grace Episcopal Church, Sandusky, Ohio **