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Inclusive New Testament

Inclusive New Testament

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Paperback / softback


Publisher: AltaMira Press
ISBN: 9780964427907
Number of Pages: 492
Published: 19/03/2004
Width: 18.6 cm
Height: 22.7 cm
While The Inclusive New Testament is certainly an inclusive-language translation, it is much more: it is a re-imagining of the Christian scriptures and our relationship to them. Not merely replacing male pronouns, the translators have rethought what kind of language has built barriers between the text and its readers. Seeking to be faithful to the original Greek, they have sought new and non-sexist ways to express the same ancient truths. The Inclusive New Testament is a fresh, dynamic translation into modern English, carefully crafted to let the power and poetry of the language shine forth-particularly when read aloud-giving it an immediacy and intimacy rarely found in translations of the Bible. The Inclusive New Testament is also available together with The Inclusive Psalms or as a part of The Inclusive Bible.
1 Matthew 2 Mark 3 Luke 4 John 5 Acts 6 Romans 7 I Corinthians 8 2 Corinthians 9 Galatians 10 Ephesians 11 Philippians 12 Colossians 13 1 Thessalonians 14 2 Thessalonians 15 1 Timothy 16 2 Timothy 17 Titus 18 Philemon 19 James 20 1 Peter 21 2 Peter 22 1 John 23 2 John 24 3 John 25 Jude 26 Revelation 27 Appendix: Pronounciation Guide

Priests for Equality

Priests for Equality is a movement of women and men throughout the world—laity, religious and clergy—who work for the full participation of women and men in church and society. A project of the Quixote Center in Brentwood, Maryland, Priests for Equality is a grass-roots organization committed to creating a culture where sexism and exclusion are left behind and equality and full participation are the order of the day. They challenge sexism in all its forms wherever they may find it and offer an alternative vision that frees and empowers people. Visit the Priests for Equality web page for more information.

The Inclusive New Testament is intended to free the text of these Scriptural writings from sexist language, gender bias,and social stereotyping. It is intended to provide liturgical and devotional expression for those persons who yearn for for a church that allows for a full expression of their contemporary spiritual struggles and changing social roles. Created with a deep respect for, and scholarly reliance on, original Hebrew and Greek texts, this translation transcends a mere substitution of pronouns and avoids hewing to any politically correct line. Rather, the Inclusive New Testament seeks to open the language of Scripture to interpretation and reflection by those persons, be they women or men, who wish to explore the ways the Testament can guide and inform their spiritual development or renew their faith.. -- Sr Nancy Sylvester National Catholic Reporter The text reads smoothly and beautifully, betraying no other agenda than a faithful rendition on the New Testament. -- Anne Carr, University of Chicago Divinity School The Inclusive New Testament is intended to free the text of these Scriptural writings from sexist language, gender bias,and social stereotyping. It is intended to provide liturgical and devotional expression for those persons who yearn for for a church that allows for a full expression of their contemporary spiritual struggles and changing social roles. Created with a deep respect for, and scholarly reliance on, original Hebrew and Greek texts, this translation transcends a mere substitution of pronouns and avoids hewing to any "politically correct" line. Rather, the Inclusive New Testament seeks to open the language of Scripture to interpretation and reflection by those persons, be they women or men, who wish to explore the ways the Testament can guide and inform their spiritual development or renew their faith. -- Sr Nancy Sylvester National Catholic Reporter

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