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Paperback / softback


Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Inc
ISBN: 9781119855712
Number of Pages: 528
Published: 15/03/2022
Width: 18.8 cm
Height: 23.4 cm

Peer through the stained glass and get an inside look at Christianity's most popular religion

Catholicism can seem a bit mysterious to non-Catholics—and even Catholics. Embrace your curiosity and turn to Dummies for answers! Full of fascinating facts and written in a friendly style, Catholicism For Dummies explains the basics of Catholic beliefs like the importance of Sunday Mass; the seven sacraments; the purity of the Blessed Virgin Mary; heaven, hell, and purgatory; the Trinity; and so much more. You'll learn about the Catholic perspective on women as priests, saints as examples of how to live, and prayer as the basis of a relationship with God.

This easy-to-read resource offers an overview of a rich and diverse faith. You'll also discover:

  • The ins and outs of living as a Catholic and why followers of the faith observe traditions like attending Mass on certain days of the year, praying the rosary, and not eating meat on Fridays
  • Information on what the pope does, how he is selected, the history of the Vatican, and what it's like to be a priest in today's society
  • Details about the church's position on modern social issues, like poverty, abortion and the death penalty, same-sex marriage, and contraception

Whether you're a cradle Catholic or just curious about the world's second largest religion, Catholicism For Dummies has the answers you're seeking to a faith that's been around for thousands of years. Order your copy today.

Introduction 1

Part 1: What Do Catholics Believe? 5

Chapter 1: What It Means to Be Catholic 7

Chapter 2: Having Faith in God’s Revealed Word 19

Chapter 3: In the Beginning: Catholic Teachings on Creation and Original Sin 37

Chapter 4: Believing in Jesus 49

Chapter 5: Defining “The Church” and What Membership Means 69

Chapter 6: Organizing the Church 79

Part 2: Celebrating the Mysteries of Faith 103

Chapter 7: Body and Soul: Worshipping Catholic Style 105

Chapter 8: Entering the Church: Baptism, Communion, and Confirmation 117

Chapter 9: The Sacraments of Service and Healing 135

Chapter 10: Celebrating the Catholic Mass 157

Part 3: Living a Saintly Life 187

Chapter 11: Obeying the Rules: Catholic Law 189

Chapter 12: Loving and Honoring: The Ten Commandments 205

Chapter 13: Being Good When Sinning Is So Easy 221

Chapter 14: Standing Firm: The Church’s Stance on Some Sticky Issues 239

Part 4: Praying and Using Devotions 269

Chapter 15: Growing in the Faith 271

Chapter 16: Showing Your Love for God 285

Chapter 17: Expressing Affection for Mary 301

Chapter 18: Honoring the Catholic Saints 319

Chapter 19: Practicing Catholic Traditions 341

Part 5: The Part of Tens 359

Chapter 20: Ten Famous Catholics 361

Chapter 21: Ten Popular Catholic Saints 371

Chapter 22: Ten Popular Catholic Places 383

Chapter 23: Ten Recent Beatifications and Canonizations by Pope Francis 395

Chapter 24: Ten Famous Papal Encyclicals 407

Part 6: Appendixes 417

Appendix A: A Brief History of Catholicism 419

Appendix B: Popular Catholic Prayers 449

Appendix C: Directory of Patron Saints 469

Index 483

Rev. John Trigilio, Jr., Rev. Kenneth Brighenti

Rev. Fr. John Trigilio, Jr., PhD, ThD, is President of the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy and a member of the faculty at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary in Emmitsburg, Maryland.

Rev. Fr. Kenneth Brighenti, PhD, is co-host with Father Trigilio of a weekly television program on EWTN called Web of Faith. With Father Trigilio, he is the co-author of previous editions of Catholicism For Dummies.

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