Cults and New Religious Movements: A Reader
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- Looks at theoretical explanations for cults, why people join and what happens when they do.
- Brings together the best work on cults by sociologists, historians, and psychologists of religion.
- A broad-ranging, balanced and clearly organized collection of readings.
- Includes coverage of topical issues, such as the 'brainwashing' controversy, and cults in cyberspace.
- Section introductions by the editor situate the nature, value, and relevance of the selected readings in context of current discussions.
Introduction: The Book and The Subject.
1. The Study of New Religious Movements:.
Eileen Barker, The Scientific Study Of Religion? You Must Be Joking!.
James A. Beckford, The Continuum Between "Cults" and "Normal" Religion.
2. The Nature of New Religious Movements:.
Roy Wallis, Three Types of New Religious Movement.
William Sins Bainbridge and Rodney Stark, Cult Formation: Three Compatible Models.
3. New Religious Movements in Historical and Social Context:.
Philip Jenkins, False Prophets And Deluded Subjects: The Nineteenth Century.
Robert Wuthnow, The New Spiritual Freedom.
4. Joining New Religious Movements:.
Lorne L. Dawson, “Who Joins New Religious Movements And Why: Twenty Years Of Research And What Have We Learned?.
Saul Levine, The Joiners.
5. The ‘Brainwashing’ Controversy:.
Margaret Thales Singer, The Process Of Brainwashing, Psychological Coercion, And Thought Reform.
James T. Richardson, A Critique Of ‘Brainwashing’ Claims About New Religious Movements.
Thomas Robbins, Constructing Cultist ‘Mind Control’.
6. Violence and New Religious Movements:.
John R. Hall, The Apocalypse At Jonestown.
Jean-Francois Mayer, "Our Terrestrial Journey is Coming to an End": The Last Voyage of the Solar Temple.
7. Sex and Gender Issues and New Religious Movements:.
Elizabeth Puttick, Women In New Religious Movements.
Susan J. Palmer, Women’s ‘Cocoon Work’ In New Religious Movements: Sexual Experimentation And Feminine Rites Of Passage.
8. New Religious Movements and The Future:
Rodney Stark, Why Religious Movements Succeed Or Fail: A Revised General Model.
Lorne L. Dawson And Jenna Hennebry, New Religions And The Internet: Recruiting In A New Public.