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Revisiting Christianity

Theological Reflections

Revisiting Christianity

Theological Reflections

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Publisher: Ashgate Publishing Group
ISBN: 9781409406730
Published: 01/10/2011
This book presents a view of Christianity and Christian thinking that draws on some key thinkers from Plato to Wittgenstein and represents a thoughtful 'common sense' theology offered as an alternative to the anti-intellectualism of many contemporary Christians, to the obfuscations of others and to the distortions of Christianity provided by some of the most vocal critics. Seeking to make accessible some traditional Christian thinking and practices that are rooted in the desire to make the most of life, Felderhof highlights the additional Platonic corollary that unless we have learned to live well, we shall not properly understand, thus presuming the mutual interdependence of theory and practice. The theological conversations are taken to be open to all and do not take advantage of some privileged perspective or some arcane, supposedly 'religious' experience, inaccessible to all but a few. The methodological strategy of the book is to use a question and answer format on the assumption that much of what people have to say becomes much clearer when we have a better sense of what puzzled them in the first place, i.e. what is the issue they were trying to think through. Throughout, the underlying assumption of the book is that Christian theology has to do with making sense of what Christians do and how generally we are best advised to live.

Marius Felderhof

Dr. Marius C. Felderhof is a senior lecturer in the School of Philosophy, Theology and Religion of the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom. He has taught Christian theology to undergraduates over many years and has always been keen to bring the subject down to earth. He has an interest in education and been influential in the development of a new religious education syllabus for the schools of the religiously diverse City of Birmingham. This syllabus incorporates a website (www.birmingham-asc.org.uk) and a series of films that are used to bring religious faith to life, highlighting varying religious contributions to the ideals and visions of the good life. He has written many articles for academic journals and recently edited a book with P. Thompson and D. Torevell entitled Inspiring Faith in Schools, Studies in Religious Education.

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