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Sacred Unions

A New Guide to Lifelong Commitment

Sacred Unions

A New Guide to Lifelong Commitment

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Paperback / softback


Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield
ISBN: 9781561012497
Number of Pages: 144
Published: 25/06/2006
Width: 16.3 cm
Height: 22.8 cm
Sacred Unions is a book about true love. By true love—or romance—the author refers to sexual passion that deepens into the permanent union of two persons in heart, body, and mind. The book is therefore addressed to all true lovers: straight or gay, deep into the adventure of a shared life or just contemplating it, or emerging out of a failed attempt. Lifelong union, Breidenthal asserts, is of central importance in all circumstances; and it remains a viable option for all of us, no matter who we are or what our story is.

Thomas E. Breidental

Thomas E. Breidenthal, a scholar, teacher, and Episcopal priest who has been a leader in interfaith cooperation for many years, has been dean of religious life and of the chapel at Princeton University since January 2002. Previously, he was the John Henry Hobart Professor of Christian Ethics at the General Theological Seminary in New York City. He received a DPhil in Theology from Oxford University.

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