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Concepts of Family Life in Modern Catholic Theology

From Vatican II through 'Christifideles Laici'

Concepts of Family Life in Modern Catholic Theology

From Vatican II through 'Christifideles Laici'

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Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield
ISBN: 9781573091053
Number of Pages: 272
Published: 01/11/1996
Width: 14.7 cm
Height: 22.4 cm
Professor Donald A. Miller's innovative study is a psychological, theological, and ethical discussion of family via Church doctrine, tradition, and law. Miller seeks definitions to model various forms of familial situations in the U.S. and abroad. This study will furnish a new understanding of family and the problems that exist in the modern family and the modern Church. Concepts of Family Life in Modern Catholic Theology will be useful not only to theological studies, but to those concerned with the role of the family in the Church. 'A clear, fair assessment of Church doctrine and conceptual evolution.' -Professor Andrew Woznicki, S.T.D.

Donald A. Miller

Donald A. Miller Walsh University, N. Canton, OH

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