Great Opportunity
Making Disciples of Jesus in Every Vocation
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The average worker will spend some 90,000 hours “on the clock” throughout their lifetimes, and among working adults, 75% are looking for a way to live a more meaningful life. Without connecting with one’s calling and the Great Co-Mission, their vocation and disciple making, how can they ever disciple people to reveal and reflect the life of Jesus so that His Kingdom is advanced and those around them experience His grace and goodness?
Changing the world happens when followers of Jesus connect their vocational calling with the Great Co-Mission of Jesus to make disciples. The Great Opportunity takes Christians beyond knowing that their faith should affect their work by showing them why and how to make disciples among those who share their vocation. The Great Opportunity teaches Christians who to disciple, how to disciple, and what to implement and apply through the model of Teach—Demonstrate—Replicate.