Writing Work of the People
Liturgical Writing as Spiritual, Theological, and Prophetic Work
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Invites readers to use their own voices to enliven personal and collective worship.
What ideas, hopes, dreams, and laments do the words of worship stir in our hearts and minds? What images of God swirl up out of our communal prayers and hymns to shape what we believe and who we are as people of faith? We know that words can heal and draw us together, or words can hurt and divide. Christian communities proclaim and embody this wisdom each time we celebrate God’s Word made flesh in Jesus.
Words for worship that arise from worshiping communities themselves, that give voice to their particular laments and joys, hold an oft-overlooked power. These communal words are both shaped by and spiral out to speak to global concerns.
Leaders and worshipers in differing contexts write and speak in a wide variety of ways. As such, this book is for pastoral leaders, chaplains, and other ministers who imagine, craft, and offer worship words for each Sunday—and in the diversity of everyday moments.
Prelude: Words Made Flesh Chapter 1: In the Beginning Is the Word
Chapter 2: And the Word Becomes Flesh
Interlude: wrinkling time Chapter 3: And Dwells Among Us Exercise #1: Wrinkling Time
Chapter 4: Full of Grace and Truth Exercise #2: Call and Response
Interlude: Dust Chapter 5: Sing Them Over Again to Me Exercise #3: Writing in Dust
Chapter 6: With Groanings Too Deep for Words Exercise #4: Crying Out to God
Interlude: sacramental seasons
Chapter 7: The Kin(g)dom of God Belongs to Them Exercise #5: The Writing Work of the Children
Chapter 8: Eat This Scroll Exercise #6: Praying at the Table
Chapter 9: “In These or Similar Words” Exercise #7: “Sayin’ Something” Together