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Tu fe, tu vida

Una invitacin a la Iglesia Episcopal

Tu fe, tu vida

Una invitacin a la Iglesia Episcopal

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Paperback / softback


Publisher: Church Publishing Inc
ISBN: 9781640655768
Number of Pages: 288
Width: 15.2 cm
Height: 22.8 cm

The everything-you-need-to-know adult guide to the Episcopal Church—now in Spanish.

This updated and revised translated edition incorporates new initiatives and changes in the Episcopal Church, including marriage, inclusion of LBGTQ+ persons, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s call to join the Jesus Movement, and taking our faith out into the world. A Leader Guide is included in this revised edition in addition to the questions that follow each chapter.

Easy to read but with substance for newcomers, adult formation groups, and lifelong Episcopalians, this book is for all who desire to know more about the Episcopal Church.

Jenifer Gamber, Bill Lewellis, Adrin Cardenas Torres

Jenifer Gamber is a trusted author of several bestselling books for youth in the Episcopal Church, including My Faith, My Life and Call on Me: A Prayer Book for Young People. She is a sought-after speaker on topics related to Christian formation, teen spirituality, and Christian parenting. She serves as chaplain at St. Patrick’s Episcopal Day School and assistant rector at St. Patrick’s Parish in Washington, DC, where she lives. Bill Lewellis served as Communication Minister on the staffs of two bishops in the Diocese of Bethlehem for 25 years before his 2009 retirement. Prior to that, he served in a similar capacity on the staff of the RC bishop of the Diocese of Allentown for 15 years. He continues to publish the newSpin blog and a biweekly newSpin newsletter for the Diocese of Bethlehem. He earned an STL at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. He lives in Whitehall, Pennsylvania. Father Adrian Cardenas-Torres is Priest-in-Charge of the Episcopal Cathedral of Saint Luke (Panama City, Republic of Panama). He has co-authored several publications in collaboration with the United Nations on faith and development and other devotional and Christian education publications with The Episcopal Church. For over 20 years he has been a translator on subjects ranging from theology, anthropology, human rights, finance, to liturgy, devotionals, and poetry. He lives in Ancon, Panama.

"This much-anticipated update of Your Faith, Your Life is unique in its combination of liturgical faithfulness, heartfelt spirituality, and adaptability to our varied learning communities. I've used it as a foundational text for adult formation for years, both as a diocesan educator and a parish priest, and continue to appreciate it as a resource for both learning and practicing the Christian and Episcopal faith in community." --The Rev. Canon Julia McCray-Goldsmith, Canon for Cathedral Life, Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Portland, Oregon "Este libro posibilita una gran oportunidad para la formacion de toda persona que encuentra un hogar espiritual en la Iglesia Episcopal. Es comun que los temas sobre el anglicanismo, la liturgia, la historia y la teologia sean presentados de forma inaccesible para todos aquellos fuera de la academia. Este libro nos da la oportunidad de entrar en conversacion con estos temas en el discernimiento personal de cada uno en nuestras iglesias. Les recomiendo este libro como un recurso de formacion personal y comunal." -Rvda. Nancy Aide Frausto, Directora de Estudios Latines del Seminario del Suroeste "Este libro es un gran compendio de lo que es el anglicanismo y la Comunion Anglicana. Presenta elementos que ofrecen a los episcopales la oportunidad de profundizar en la historia, liturgia, Sagrada Escritura, los sacramentos y algunos temas teologicos muy necesarios para la vida pastoral y catequetica en la Iglesia. Les animo a leerlo y a utilizarlo como herramienta pastoral." -Rvdmo. Rafael L. Morales Maldonado, Obispo Diocesano, Diocesis Episcopal de Puerto Rico "No puedo recomendar lo suficiente Tu fe, tu vida. Este es el tipo de manual que me gustaria que tuvieran todos los miembros de nuestra Iglesia. Hay secciones sobre la historia de la Iglesia, el gobierno, la liturgia, la oracion y muchas otras, incluyendo un glosario de gran utilidad. Tambien es un recurso eficaz para el estudio en grupo con una practica guia para el lider al final." -El Rvdo. Canonigo Dr. Anthony Guillen, Director de Ministerios Etnicos y Misionero para los Ministerios Latinos/Hispanos La Iglesia Episcopal

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