Play Nice in Your Sandbox at Church
An 8 Step Model to Help You Prevent or Resolve Conflict with Your Brothers and Sisters
Play Nice in Your Sandbox at Church
An 8 Step Model to Help You Prevent or Resolve Conflict with Your Brothers and Sisters
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The PLAY and NICE in the title are capitalized because they are acronyms. PLAY represents a four-step model to prevent conflict when possible, and NICE gives a four-step model to resolve differences with others. Play Nice in Your Sandbox at Church is divided into two major portions covering eight sections. The first four sections comprise the PLAY chapters, where readers learn how to prevent needless trivial matters from escalating into situations they neither want nor need. In sections five through eight, readers gain the knowledge and skill to help them resolve significant differences they are bound to have with others from time-to-time. Within Play Nice in Your Sandbox at Church, there is a CHAPTER CHALLENGE at the end of each chapter to help readers implement the information they’ve learned throughout.