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Grasping the Heel of Heaven

Liturgy, leadership and ministry in today's church

Grasping the Heel of Heaven

Liturgy, leadership and ministry in today's church

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Publisher: Canterbury Press Norwich
ISBN: 9781786220028
Number of Pages: 192
Published: 30/11/2017
Width: 13.5 cm
Height: 21.6 cm

Grasping the Heel of Heaven honours the immense legacy to the church of Michael Perham. A skilled and imaginative liturgist, a passionate advocate of women’s ministry, an inspirational dean and bishop, a wise and patient administrator, he was above all a faithful priest who loved the Church as the body of Christ. In all his ministry he sought to nourish that body by encouraging its worship and prayer and shaping its governance in the light of gospel ideals.

In this volume, friends and colleagues bring their own expertise to reflect on some of the topics and themes that were most important to him, including: 

• Being transported and transformed by liturgy
• The making of Common Worship
• The full inclusion of the ministry of women
• How structures and decision-making express an understanding of God
• Unity despite differences in and through God 
• The gospel as good news for all

Together, the contributors reflect the numerous ways that Michael Perham saw heaven touching earth and earth glimpsing heaven.

Mark Chapman, Paul Bradshaw, Paula Gooder

Aidan Platten was Michael Perham’s Chaplain in Gloucester and is now Canon Precentor of Norwich Cathedral.

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