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Message of John

Here Is Your King

Message of John

Here Is Your King

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Paperback / softback



Publisher: Inter-Varsity Press
ISBN: 9781789741476
Number of Pages: 384
Published: 01/12/9900

John's Gospel has had an incalculable impact on human history. Its pages contain a moral and spiritual potency which, over the centuries, has transformed communities, brought about political change and remade human character on a scale without precedent. The power remains in the Gospel today. At its centre, as at the centre of his exposition, is Jesus Christ in his glory and grace, majesty and tenderness. Bruce Milne believes that we can experience his presence even today, for the Gospel was 'written that ... you may have life in his name'. The Gospel of John is a witness to the King, as much a tract for our times as for John's. Bruce Milne's exposition focuses on the ministry of Jesus before his incarnation, during his life on earth and after his resurrection. The centrepiece of this Gospel is the cross, and its background the solemnity of God's judgment of the world.

Contents General preface vii Author's preface ix Abbreviations xi Select bibliography xii Introduction 1 The Gospel of John 14 A. The ministry of the pre-incarnate king (John 1:1-18) 1. Jesus Christ and the eternal God (1:1-2) 16 2. Jesus Christ and the created universe (1:3-5) 22 3. Jesus Christ and redemptive history (1:6-18) 27 B. The ministry of the incarnate king (John 1:19 - 19:42) 4. The inauguration (1:19-51) 37 5. The procession (2:1 - 12:19) 49 6. The coronation (12:20 - 19:42) 181 C. The ministry of the risen king (John 20:1 - 21:25) 7. The appearing king (20:1-31) 295 8. The beginning of the mission (21:1-25) 316 Study guide 3

Bruce Milne

Bruce Milne served as pastor of First Baptist Church in Vancouver, Canada for many years, and travelled the globe, preaching, teaching and encouraging pastoral leaders. He is the author of Know the Truth, Dynamic Diversity, and The Message of Heaven and Hell in The Bible Speaks Today series.

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