Message of Exodus
The Days Of Our Pilgrimage
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Paperback / softback
Publisher: Inter-Varsity Press
ISBN: 9781789742947
Number of Pages: 352
Published: 01/12/9900
Width: 13.8 cm
Height: 21.6 cm
The whole story of the Old Testament book of Exodus is a covenant narrative; in Moses’ story, the pledges that God made to Abraham are honoured and fulfilled, as the Israelites are saved from Egypt and guided to the promised land.
In The Message of Exodus, Alec Motyer offers a warm-hearted and insightful exposition of what this key part of Scripture testifies about the Bible's God. Exploring the meaning that Exodus still has for us today, he unfolds the ways it points to Jesus Christ and heralds him in advance, and how it bears on the nature and life of the people of God - their redemption, obedience, security and inheritance.
Part of the loved and trusted The Bible Speaks Today series of commentaries, The Message of Exodus offers an clear, readable exposition of the Biblical text and thought-provoking discussion of how its meaning relates to contemporary life. Used by Bible students and teachers around the world, The Bible Speaks Today commentaries are ideal for anyone studying or preaching Exodus and who want to delve deeper into the text.
This beautifully redesigned edition has also been sensitively updated to include modern references and use the NIV Bible text.
The Message of Exodus will help for anyone looking for a commentary on Exodus that makes clear its meaning both in its original context and for Christians in the twenty-first century.
General preface ix
Author's preface xi
Chief abbreviations xiv
Select bibliography xv
Notes xvii
Introduction 1
1. Days of darkness (1:1 - 2:10) 11
2. The turning point (2:11-25) 22
3. Old Moses . . . new Moses (3:1-10) 34
4. A sneak preview (3:11 - 7:7) 44
5. The God who is sufficient (3:11-22) 51
6. The God who is able (4:1-17) 61
7. Interlude: into the arena (4:14-28) 71
8. Yes . . . No . . . Why? . . . Now (4:29 - 7:7) 84
9. Viewpoint (7:8 - 13:16) 95
10. Why the plagues? (7:14 - 10:29) 101
11. Why the Passover? (11:1 - 12:42) 114
12. Remember and respond (12:14 - 13:16) 133
13. The next stage: the companionate God (13:17 - 18:27) 146
14. God's curious ways (13:17 - 17:16) 166
15. Where we've reached and where we're going (19:1-2) 181
16. To meet with God (19:3-25) 186
17. The ten words (20:1-21) 203
18. The Lord means his law and loves his people (20:22 - 24:11) 228
19. The Lord's tent (24:12 - 27:19) 243
20. The way into the Holiest (27:20 - 30:10) 259
21. Practicalities (30:11 - 31:18) 275
22. A dreadful step back, a huge step forward (32:1 - 34:35) 286
23. The glory cloud (35 - 40) 313