There is Hope
Preaching at Funerals
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Paperback / softback
Publisher: Inter-Varsity Press
ISBN: 9781789743623
Number of Pages: 272
Width: 13.8 cm
Height: 21.6 cm
250,000 people die in the UK each year, and almost half will have a Christian funeral service. Preaching at a funeral is a vital part of pastoral ministry, but too often funeral sermons consist of generalities and platitudes used for multiple services rather than illuminating the hope gifted to us by the resurrection.
In There is Hope veteran pastor Paul Beasley-Murray offers practical advice to help Christian leaders craft meaningful, biblically driven sermons and preach with confidence and compassion at funeral services.
Drawing on his years of experience, he offers a sensitive, pastorally rich exposition of twenty key Bible passages, exploring how preachers can draw on them to show the hope beyond death that the Gospel offers. Alongside are funeral sermon examples that he has preached himself, as well as ideas, outlines and guidance for writing your own.
There is Hope is the perfect book for ordinands and preachers who are new to giving funeral sermons, as well as for experienced preachers and pastors wanting to improve and grow in their pastoral ministry and are looking for new ideas for funeral sermons.
Full of biblical depth, this guide will equip priests and pastors with all the tools they need to deliver comforting funeral sermons that truly deliver the message that even in death, in the Gospel there is hope.
Introduction: The Gospel is a message of hope
· Christian hope is resurrection hope
· Hope for a world without hope
· Hope for a church uncertain of its hope
· Hope for those who mourn
· Preaching hope: a guide
Hope in the Gospels
Mark 10.14 Jesus has a special love for children Luke 20.27-40 In the new world everything will be different John 3.16; 10.10 Eternal life John 11.1-44 Jesus offers life to all John 14.1-14 Jesus calls us to place our hope in him
Hope in the Letters of Paul
Rom 8.31-39 Nothing can separate us from the love of God 1 Cor 15.3-5, 20, 24-26, 54-57 Jesus, not death, will have the last word 1 Cor 15.35-48 We shall be changed! 1 Thess 4.13-18 We will be together 2 Tim 4.6-8 Homeward bound
Hope in the rest of the New Testament
Hebs 5.19,20 Our hope is sure and certain 1 Peter 1.3-9- We have a living hope 1 John 2.28-3.3 We shall see God Rev 7.9-17 We shall share in the life of heaven Rev 22.1-6 God will make all things new
Hope in the Old Testament
Job 19.25,26 We shall see God Psalm 16 The path that leads to life Psalm 23: The Good Shepherd will go with us Psalm 121 God will keep us safe Psalm 139 God is with us, even in the dark
Hope for all?
1. God loves us all
2. God makes all the difference
3. God offers comfort and strength
Endword: Losing a Loved One: A personal reflection?
This is a unique and treasure-laden book that provides a rich resource for the preacher tasked with preaching into the important but often difficult occasion of a funeral. In the hands of a master exegete and honed pastor the reader is led on a hope-filled journey that models how one can powerfully yet sensitively bring the good news of Jesus into the nuances of grief and loss in a multitude of contexts. This is an excellent book, and it ought to be on the shelves of every preacher. * Rev Jitesh Patel, Assistant Director of St Mellitus College East Midlands, convener of the New Wine Preaching Conferences * I wish I had been given this book when I first entered ministry. The Biblical exegesis is extremely helpful which should come as no surprise given his academic rigour, and his ability to communicate is second to none.
I devoured this book like a hungry man presented with a hearty meal, and I would encourage anyone involved in the ministry to the bereaved to feast on its delights too. This is a great book, and it deserves to be widely read. * Pastor Rob James BA BD, Baptist Minister, Writer and Broadcaster Executive Chair Evangelical Alliance Wales * Thoughtful, appropriate, well-researched, theologically literate, interestingly communicated and with a fitting evangelistic edge: a wonderful resource which will enrich the ministry of many. * From the foreword by Derek Tidball, former pastor and principal of the London School of Theology * There is Hope It is biblically rich in content and theologically challenging in tone. It is pastorally full of practical insights as the author generously shares from his comprehensive experience of ministering to the bereaved.
The rising popularity of direct cremations and humanist ceremonies reflects the spirit of the age, which has little to say about life after death. This book skilfully demonstrates that funerals are the opportunity to exercise pastoral care to the bereaved whilst ministering God's grace to those who mourn. Death is a moment in life when our human vulnerabilities are left bare. There is Hope bears witness to the unique Christian tradition of the funeral service. Tributes are given to a good life while celebrating the unsurpassed goodness of the God of all comfort. * The Revd David Coffey OBE, Former General Secretary of the Baptist Union of GB, Past President of the Baptist World Alliance. * I sometimes think that funerals in churches presided over by ministers of the gospel demonstrate the worst of the church, not the best. Either the very lack of confidence in the Christian hope results in an absence of the story of Jesus, replaced merely by the fine words of a eulogy about the deceased; or a hectoring evangelism that exploits the congregation at a sensitive moment, and probably confirms in the minds of those who do not normally attend church the very reasons they avoid church as much as possible. Thankfully, Paul Beasley Murray, as an experienced and wise pastor and skilful exegete, avoids both and instead provides preachers at funerals with sermons, and the principles behind them, that contain faith-filled content and sensitivity of heart, profoundly declaring the Christian hope, without abusing those grief-stricken individuals in the congregation with a shallow evangelistic appeal. There is both the generosity of God's mercy and the truth about Jesus in these sermons. * Revd. Dr. Paul Goodliff, General Secretary, Churches Together in England *