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Gospel Images in Fiction and Film

On Reversing the Hermeneutical Flow

Gospel Images in Fiction and Film

On Reversing the Hermeneutical Flow

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Paperback / softback


Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
ISBN: 9781841272665
Number of Pages: 240
Published: 01/05/2002
This is Dr Kreitzer's fourth study in the "Biblical Seminar" series in which the connections between Biblical texts, classic works of literature and cinematic interpretations of those works of literature are explored. The aim is to illuminate both the New Testament texts and facets of contemporary culture through a cross-disciplinary approach. This volume contains studies of T.S. Eliot's Christmas poem "The Journey of the Magi", Joseph Conrad's novel "Heart of Darkness", and Margaret Atwood's "The Handmaid's Tale", in addition to discussion of several influential works from the world of cinema, including such diverse contributions as Gene Roddenberry's "Star Trek", Francis Ford Coppola's "Apocalypse Now", and Fred Zinnemann's western parable "High Noon". In each instance the discussion is set against the backdrop of words and images drawn from the sayings of Jesus.
Foreword; Abbreviations; Introduction; The Journey of the Magi: intimations of passion in the birth narratives; Heart of Darkness: the abominating horror/whore; 'The decisive hour of judgment': good confronts evil in high noon and outland; The Handmaid's Tale: 'blessed are the silent'; 'Bread and circuses': christian history according to the world of star trek; Conclusion; Bibliography; Indexes;

Larry Joseph Kreitzer

Larry Kreitzer is a Tutor for Graduates and Tutor of New Testament at Regent's Park College, Oxford

Kreitzer s meticulous attention to available resources is impressive He is a man of immense knowledge concerning diverse and esoteric approaches to biblical studies, cinema and literature. He clearly presents a set of goals in the beginning of each chapter, and at the end of each chapter reiterates what the goals were and how they were achieved The detailed descriptions of the relevant films and literature make it possible for the reader who has not viewed or read the works to still grasp the points being made Overall, this book is an excellent resource for sources concerned with literature, film and biblical studies. The author does a good job summarizing the research done in all three areas of study. The bibliography is impressive, as are the footnotes. Religious Education, Spring 2003--Joan Diamond "Religious Education: An Interfaith Journal Of Spirituality, Growth And Transformation "

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