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Message of Evil and Suffering

Light Into Darkness

Message of Evil and Suffering

Light Into Darkness

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Publisher: Inter-Varsity Press
ISBN: 9781844741489
Number of Pages: 288
Published: 01/12/9900
Width: 13.8 cm
Height: 21.6 cm
Evil and suffering have always been part of human experience - and they present a significant challenge to Christian belief in a good and all-powerful God. Evil and suffering may be a mystery to us, but they are not a mystery to God. The Bible writers have no time for an unreal idealism, in which the life of faith is free from anguish, pain and perplexity. They are confident that God's power and wisdom are great enough not just to cope with the realities of suffering and evil, but to overcome and transform them, and to enable us to be 'more than conquerors' in a broken and hurting world. With warmth and clarity, Peter Hicks expounds a range of relevant biblical texts that enable us to set the issue of evil and suffering firmly in the context of the nature and purposes of God. Central to his approach is the conviction that the key lies in the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the suffering and triumph of God himself. In valuable practical sections he explores the Bible's teaching on how we are to live in a world of evil and suffering.
Contents General preface 7 Author's preface 8 Chief abbreviations 9 Bibliography 10 Part 1. Evil and suffering - and God 1. The end of the story (Revelation 15:3-4) 15 2. The beginning of the story (Genesis 6:5-8) 25 3. The God of love and punishment (Exodus 34:6-7) 31 4. Chaos and the King (Psalm 2) 43 Interlude. Evil and suffering - and God 51 Part 2. Evil and suffering - and Jesus 5. The coming of God (Luke 4:14-30) 53 6. The incarnate God (1 John 3:15) 63 7. The scarred God (Revelation 5:6) 73 8. The conquering God (Ephesians 1:9-10, 19-23) 83 9. The teaching of Jesus on evil and suffering (Mark 1:14-15; Luke 6:20-36, Matthew 12:24-37) 95 Interlude. Evil and suffering - and Jesus 106 Part 3. What on earth? The nature of evil and suffering 10. The paradigm evil (Genesis 3.1-24) 109 11. The cosmic battle (Revelation 12- 14) 118 12. Suffering evil 127 Interlude. What on earth? The nature of evil and suffering 141 Part 4. Why on earth? Reasons for evil and suffering 13. Wrestling with God (Genesis 32:22-32) 145 14. From suffering to glory (Romans 8:17-27) 155 15. The gift of suffering (Philippians 1:29-30) 165 16. Good out of evil (Romans 8:28) 172 17. Giving reasons (1 Peter 3:15-16) 186 Interlude. Why on earth? Reasons for evil and suffering 198 Part 5. How on earth? Living with evil and suffering 18. The suffering people of a suffering God (Matthew 10:16-39) 201 19. Living with suffering (Job; 2 Corinthians 4:7 - 5:10) 211 20. Living with evil (Titus 2:11-14; Matthew 5:13-16; John 20:21-22) 226 Interlude. How on earth? Living with evil and suffering 239 Part 6. From the evil one to our Father 21. The Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13) 243 Study guide 263

Peter Hicks

Peter Hicks is a Baptist pastor who for many years was on the staff of the London School of Theology, lecturing in philosophy and pastoral care. He is the author of a number of books.

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