How shall we pray this morning? For what shall we pray this night?
A?month of worship resources for a time of pandemic
How shall we pray this morning? For what shall we pray this night?
A?month of worship resources for a time of pandemic
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Worship for a time of lockdown, of partial lockdown, of adjusting to ‘the new normal’: worship that can be adapted to these ever-changing times.
When the Covid-19 pandemic began in 2020, and church buildings were closed, Thom Shuman began composing a series of morning and evening liturgies to share with his congregation on Zoom – expressing what was happening in the life of the community, in his own life and in the life of the world.
How shall we pray this morning? For what shall we pray this night? includes some of those liturgies, along with two weeks of Bible readings and poems, to make up a month of worship resources for a time of pandemic.
Thom M Shuman is a pastor in Ohio, USA, and the author of several books, including Grace Will Walk Us Home (Wild Goose).