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Everybody Hurts, Sometimes

Everybody Hurts, Sometimes

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Paperback / softback


Publisher: Religious and Moral Education Press
ISBN: 9781851752799
Number of Pages: 32
Published: 01/06/7500
Width: 21 cm
Height: 29.7 cm

Everybody Hurts, Sometimes includes material on:
     How religious and non-religious people feel and respond in difficult times
     How should other people be treated, especially the weak and powerless?
     Fairness and resolving conflicts peacefully
     Beliefs about how God wants people to behave

Biblos Primary Curriculum Resources:
     focus on themes with immediate meaning in pupils’ lives
     present Bible narratives so that pupils can understand them but ....
     explore Bible narratives as writing about God and humankind, not purely secular concerns

Special Discount Packs: 6 unmixed Pupils’ Books for the price of 5 are also available

Catherine Bowness, Terence Copley

"These excellent new materials for teaching the Bible in primary RE have several compelling virtues. They are rooted in a wonderfully accessible research approach from the University of Exeter, closely related to the English RE National Framework, well illustrated and 'scratching where RE itches' just at the moment. These three books for 7-11s represent, for me, exciting, innovative and practical ways of opening the Bible's treasures to children.

The learning theory takes RE in the plural classroom seriously, and uses the fact that Jews, Christians and Muslims share interest in these stories to justify their place in RE. The child centred themes of the books - encounter, mystery and vulnerability - are themes for all children, connecting to their experiences.

Numerous Bible stories [to be called 'narratives' for reasons well justified in the teachers book] are presented with teaching and learning ideas as varied as the chosen texts. Links with the literacy strategy are well developed.

What I loved about these books is that stories often neglected where teaching is timid - Jacob, Samuel, Jeremiah and Paul - reveal their insights for young children. Well thought out activities and challenging questions link beautifully to the experiences of fear, safety, trust, suspicion, community or solitude.

I fear some schools may think the books expensive. I encourage teachers of 7-11s to buy some; where RE is good, then these will make it better.  Where RE is not so good, they will be challenging, but their potential to use the Bible for great RE is clear."

Lat Blaylock in REtoday - reviewing the Biblos Primary Curriculum Resources

"The books (Biblos Primary Curriculum Resources) are clearly organised and explain to pupils what they are going to be learning and why ..... The books are full of useful information and some excellent teaching suggestions all of which are presented succinctly and clearly."


"Themed texts in a bold bright format introduce key themes to children ..... Highly visual presentations are annotated with speech bubbles for the reader. The book, on Vulnerability, makes it clear that the reader is asked to think for himself .....

The units follow a format in which the reader is addressed directly. The reader is told what he/she will be asked to think about. Then the story is told with 'clues' for the reader, thus providing some background context.

"Highly recommended."
Sue Thrush in ACT Digest

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