Healed, Restored, Forgiven
Liturgies, Prayers and Readings for the Ministry of Healing
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This book is designed to be a devotional and liturgical resource for all involved in the ministry of healing. It includes prayers and readings to use on a one-to-one basis in pastoral care and liturgies for healing services whether seen as part of the Eucharist or stand-alone. Increasingly, physical health is seen in a wider context of wellbeing and liturgies are also included for the ministry of reconciliation.
"The introductions to each section are particularly helpul (...)What makes this book special, however, are the depth and sensitivity that underlie so much of the material." The Rt Revd George Hacker, Church Times.
"This book does all that it promises. The new material balances theology with strong imagery, reality with hope in God.(...) I cannot think of any congregation who in the course of their worshipping life would not find Gunstone's book useful." Dana Dealp, Reader and Substitute Chaplain at HMP Low Newton, PRAXIS NEWS OF WORSHIP, Autumn 2004.
"The book is both thorough and thoughtful and should prove invaluable to those involved within healing ministry." Richard Ridgwell, METHODIST RECORDER, October 2004.
The sombre simplicity of the BCP is of the past, but good for Gunstone; he has given us a book that is so much easier, so much less fussy and so much friendlier than the official texts." NEW DIRECTIONS, July 2004.