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Rest Your Dreams on a Little Twig

Rest Your Dreams on a Little Twig

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Publisher: Sorin Books, U.S.
ISBN: 9781893732575
Published: 01/02/2003
Her books have sold hundreds of thousands--now Joyce Rupp's first collection of poetry! Joyce Rupp has gently guided thousands towards a deeper understanding of personal and universal spiritual truths. Now, in her first collection of poetry, Rupp shares her own awakening to the spiritual realities in nature, affirming the inner journey and challenging the way we live our lives. She encourages US to trust our own fragile dreams for inner growth--just as a bird rests itself on a small twig and trusts it for support.

Joyce Rupp

"The natural world is laced with wonder and through the marvelous lens of Joyce Rupp's poetry, we are tutored in the art of savoring every brimming moment. She puts us in the catbird seat of attentiveness and reverence."

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