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When the Trees Say Nothing

Writings on Nature

When the Trees Say Nothing

Writings on Nature

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Publisher: Sorin Books, U.S.
ISBN: 9781893732605
Published: 01/02/2003
This first collection of Thomas Merton's nature writings serves as a primer on eco-spirituality. Thomas Merton: millions know him as the author of The Seven Storey Mountain, the international bestseller and a modern spiritual classic. Now, in the first collection of his writings on nature, Merton is revealed as a man whose spirituality is rooted in nature, an environmentalist ahead of his time. These writings serve as a primer on eco-spirituality, revealing Merton's approach to ecology as a spiritual issue that exposes the degree of human alienation from the sacredness of the planet. Kathleen Deignan, Ph.D. has skillfully grouped over 300 of Merton's nature writings into thematic sections on the seasons, elements, creatures and other topics and has added an informative introduction. A foreword by renowned environmental and spiritual mentor Thomas Berry and art by John Giuliani complete this important compilation.

Thomas Merton, Kathleen Deignan, John Giuliani

"A lovely book! Kathleen Deignan's selection and arrangement of passages from Merton's writings on nature--enhanced by John Giuliani's evocative drawings--not only provide wonderful insights into the monk's sacramental vision of the world but inspire a deepened attentiveness to creation on our own part as well."

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