Spirituality and Society in the New Millennium
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Publisher: Liverpool University Press
ISBN: 9781902210650
Number of Pages: 284
Width: 23 cm
Height: 15.5 cm
This book looks at contemporary understanding and practice of spirituality under three major perspectives.
Contents: Introduction: Spirituality, Society, and the Millennium -- Wasteland, Wilderness, or New Vision?; Interpreting Texts and Traditions; Female Godlanguage in Christian Spirituality; The Body as Meditative Locus in the Revelations of Julian of Norwich; Spirituality, Sexuality and Embodiment; From Transgression to Transformation: The Creative Potential of Gay Spiritualities for the New Millennium; Masculine Spirituality and Addiction: A Personal Journey; The Turn to Life in Contemporary Religion and Spirituality; The Biological Basis of Spiritual Awareness; Spirituality and Healing in a Scientific Age; Spiritual Development: Whose Responsibility is it Anyway?; Learning to Live: Spiritual Development in Higher Education; Everything that Rises must Converge': Some Ideas for an Ethical Spirituality and a Spiritually-Enriched Ethic; Praxis Prior to Doctrine: New Models of Relationship in Contemporary Spirituality; From Tree to Rhizome: Pagan Spirituality, Science and Resistance in the New Millennium; Liberating Palestinian Theology -- the Need for a Contextual Spirituality; The Face of God in Every Generation: Jewish Feminist, Spirituality and the Legend of the Thirty-Six Hidden Saints; Mind, Body, Spirit -- the New Millennial Age?; Index.