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Saving Christianity

New Thinking for Old Beliefs

Saving Christianity

New Thinking for Old Beliefs

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Publisher: The Liffey Press
ISBN: 9781904148326
Published: 01/10/2003
A major reason for the current crisis in Christian churches, Hilary Wakeman argues, is that their doctrines are simply not believable. In this readable and thought-provoking book she argues that many of the statements of belief that Christians are required to assent to as literal truth, such as Virgin Birth and the bodily Resurrection of Jesus, are driving many people out of the churches and keeping others out. She examines the main tenets of Christian beliefs and considers ways they can be brought up to date and expressed with honesty and integrity. She also explains the difference between right-brain (intuitive) and left-brain (rational, intellectual) approaches to religion, and argues that the left must give way to the right side to be able to experience spirituality fully. This important and timely book should be read by anyone concerned about the present reality, and future prospects, of the Christian faith.

Hilary Wakeman

"Wakeman is compassionate yet pulls no punches, profound yet avoids theological stuffiness, accessible yet refuses to play to the church-bashing gallery."

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