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How to Mess Up Your Child's Life

Without Really Trying

How to Mess Up Your Child's Life

Without Really Trying

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Paperback / softback


Publisher: Time Warner Trade Publishing
ISBN: 9781931722773
Number of Pages: 208
Published: 01/03/2009
There are several people in life you don't want to hear say, 'whoops!' - your barber, your mechanic, and your surgeon are three that come to mind. So do your parents and spouse. And yet, few of us put much thought into how we can create happier homes. Now, Christian parenting experts, Kurt and Olivia Bruner have created a tongue-in-cheek but invaluable guide that helps parents move past 'whoops' to intentional, fun and faith-filled parenting. In a way that keeps parents engaged amid the non-stop grind of jobs and household chores, the Bruners walk parents through the steps in creating a plan for infusing faith dynamics into the home.

Kurt Bruner, Olivia Bruner

Olivia and Kurt Bruner live in Colorado Springs where they write and speak for Focus on the Family. Kurt is Vice President of Focus on the Family Resource Group and is the bestselling author of more than a dozen books including Family Night Tool Chest and Finding God in the Land of Narnia. A former sixth grade teacher, Olivia is the author of The Minivan Years. Kurt and Olivia are co-founders of the Heritage Builders Association and co-authors of The Family Compass and Playstation Nation. They are the proud parents of three sons.

'Olivia and Kurt Bruner know what they are talking about - both from experience and from professional data. Listen up!' -- Gladys Hunt, author of Honey for a Child's Heart and Honey For a Teen's Heart

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