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Latino/a Theology and the Bible

Ethnic-Racial Reflections on Interpretation

Latino/a Theology and the Bible

Ethnic-Racial Reflections on Interpretation

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Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield
ISBN: 9781978705494
Number of Pages: 312
Published: 11/05/2021
Width: 16.2 cm
Height: 22.8 cm

This book explores the use of the Bible among Latino/a theologians today. Latino/a Theology emerged in the 1980s, alongside a broad variety of contextual theological movements and discourses following the Latino/a movement and the formation of Latino/a Studies in the 1960s and 1970s. While much work has been done on biblical interpretation in Latino/a biblical criticism, little can be found regarding interpretation in Latino/a theological reflection. To address this gap in the literature, the contributors, from various ecclesial affiliations and religious traditions, examine the status and role of the Bible in Latino/a Theology.


Latino/a Theology and Studies: A Note

About the Contributors

Part 1. Introduction

1.Approaching the Bible in Latino/a Theology: Doing Theological Construction and

Biblical Criticism in an Ethnic-Racial Key

Fernando F. Segovia

Part 2. Latino/a Theology: Approaching the Bible

2.Reading and Hearing Scripture in the Latina/o Pentecostal Community

Sammy Alfaro

3.“She orders all things suavemente”: A Lascasian Interpretation

Edgardo Colón-Emeric

4.Biblical Silence: Where is the Bible in Latino/a Theology?

Michelle A. González Maldonado

5.Is It Truly a “Good” Book? The Bible, Empowerment, and Liberation

Nora O. Lozano

6.Reading against the Grain: Scripture and Constructive Evangélica Theology

Loida I. Martell

7.Darkening the Image: Another Allegory of the Beauty of the Shulamite

Elaine Padilla

8.La Guadalupe, Bible, Pentecost

Nancy Pineda-Madrid

9.Liberation Hermeneutics in Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Exegesis: A Latino/a Perspective

Rubén Rosario Rodríguez

10.Popular Ritual as Liberating Pedagogy

Christopher D. Tirres

Part 3. Conclusions

11.How Do Latino/a Theologians Employ Scripture?

Francisco Lozada, Jr.

12.Approaching the Bible in Latino/a Theology: Doing Cultural Analysis in an Ethnic-Racial Key

Fernando F. Segovia

Francisco Lozada Jr., Charles Fischer Catholic, Fernando F. Segovia, Sammy Alfaro

Francisco Lozada Jr. is Charles Fischer Catholic Associate Professor of New Testament and Latina/o Studies at Brite Divinity School.

Fernando F. Segovia is Oberlin Graduate Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity at Vanderbilt School of Divinity.

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