New Diaspora and the Global Prophetic
Engaging the Scholarship of Marc H. Ellis
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For four decades now, Marc H. Ellis has sought to rethink Jewish tradition in light of the prophetic imperative, especially with regard to the need for geopolitical justice in the context of Israel/Palestine. Here, twenty-two contributors offer intellectual, theological, political, and journalistic insight intoEllis’s work, connecting his theological scholarship to the particularities of their own contexts. Some contributors reflect specifically on Israel/Palestine while others transfer Ellis’s theopolitical discussions to other geopolitical, cultural, or religious concerns. Yet all of them rely on Ellis’s work to understand the connections of prophetic discourses, religious demands, social movements, and projects of social justice. Paying particular attention to global racism, sexism, ethnocentrism, white supremacy, and current neocolonial practices, the contributors also address minoritized liberation theologies, the role of memory, exile and forgiveness, biblical hermeneutics, and political thought. In diverse and powerful ways, the contributors ground their scholarship with the activist drive to deepen, enrich, and strengthen intellectual work in meaningful ways.
Introduction: The Emergence of the Global Prophetic in the New Diaspora
Susanne Scholz and Santiago Slabodsky
Practicing Exile in the New Diaspora as a Jewish Scholar of Conscience: An Interview with Marc H. Ellis
Susanne Scholz and Santiago Slabodsky
Part 1. Beyond Innocence and Redemption: Jews, Race, and Colonization
1.The Last Jew in Gaza
Sara Roy
2.Israel and the Idolatry of Whiteness: The Critique of Race that Marc Ellis Never Knew He Made
Jessica Wai-Fong Wong
3.The Ecumenical Deal, the Judeo-Christian Tradition, and the Christian Colonization of Judaism
Robert O. Smith
4.“When Can You Start?” Marc Ellis’s Contributions from a Jewish Latin American Standpoint
Santiago Slabodsky
Part 2. Unholy Alliance: Other Christianities, Prophetic Liberations
5.A Palestinian Christian Liberation Theologian Encounters a Jewish Liberation Theologian
Naim Ateek
6.Riding with Don Quixote
Miguel A. De La Torre
7.Reading the Hebrew Bible in Solidarity with the Palestinian People
Luis N. Rivera-Pagán
Part 3. Revolutonary Forgiveness: Global Perspectives on the Prophetic
8.A Letter to Marc Ellis
Claudio Carvalhaes
9.The Politics of Memory and Theological Reflection
Kwok Pui-lan
10.Exile, Power, and Decolonizing God/Ourselves
Thia Cooper
11.Reclaiming the Prophetic for Dystopian Times: Marc Ellis and the New Diaspora
Rubén Rosario Rodríguez
Part 4. Expanding the View: Marc H. Ellis and Personal Journeys
12.On My Teacher Who Embodies Revolutionary Forgiveness
William A. Walker III
13.On Embodying the Prophetic Call for Justice in the Land: Jewish Identity and Religion in the Biblical Hermeneutics of Marc H. Ellis
Susanne Scholz
14.Our Encounters in the New Diaspora: Reading Paul with Ellis
Jin Young Choi
Part 5. Reading the Torah Out Loud: Jewish Voices in Conversation
15.Welcome to the New Diaspora, Rabbi Rosen!
Brant Rosen
16.Marc H. Ellis: Eulogy of a Conscious Conscience
Keren Batiyov
17.Is There a Jewish Place to Call “Home”?
Robert Cohen
Part 6. Religious Odysseys: Dialogues beyond Boundaries
18.In Search of Dialog between Womanist Theology and Jewish Liberation Theology
Karen Baker-Fletcher
19.An-Other Holy Land: The Imagining of Pakistan and Muhammad Asad’s (née Leopold Weiss, 1900-1992)
Charley M. Ramsey
20.What is the Body in Our Work? A Son’s Liberationist Inheritance
Aaron Ellis
21.Beginnings, the Breath of Life: A Preface to Marc Ellis’s Prophetic Political Thought
Isaiah Ellis