Origen of Alexandria
Master Theologian of the Early Church
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Origen of Alexandria is the most influential thinker and writer of the Christian church after John the Evangelist and Paul the Apostle. This book charts his momentous impact on the structures, mindset, and doctrines of Christianity, from the third century when he wrote to the twenty-first century when his work has been enthusiastically revisited. It has been a long and enduring influence that has seen his star rise and wane many times over past centuries, but at each critical juncture of Christian reflection over the ages, he has been rediscovered and invariably offered important insights to contemporary issues.
PART ONE. Origen’s Life and Thought: A Brief Introduction
1.A Short Biography
2.Aspects of Origen’s Thought World
PART TWO. Origen’s Contested Legacy
4.The Ancient Origenist Crises
5.Origen in Medieval Times and in the Age of Reformation
6.Modern Re-discoveries of Origen
7. Epilogue
Select Bibliography
Appendix 1. The Origen volumes in the Sources Chrétiennes Series
Appendix 2.The Origeniana Series volumes