Reciprocal Causality in an Event-Filled World
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Given the current sense of helplessness in dealing with environmental change and other urgent issues, a new world view is needed that emphasizes the unique contribution that individual citizens can make to the common good as opposed to their individual needs and desires. In a recent encyclical on the environment, Pope Francis set forth reasons from Scripture and Church teaching for this shift in perspective, but he did not provide a philosophically based foundation for this change of heart. To fill that gap, Joseph Bracken examines key writings of process-oriented philosophers like Henri Bergson and Alfred North Whitehead along with systems-oriented thinkers like Ludwig von Bertalanffy and Ervin Laszlo to create a systems-oriented understanding of the God-world relation.
Part One: Bergson and Whitehead on the One and the Many from a Process-Oriented Approach
1. Living in an Event-Filled World
2. Living in a Dynamically Interconnected World
3. Living in a World of Open-Ended Systems
Part Two: Failure to deal with Major Issues re the Common Good
4. Critical Evaluation of Modern Scientific Method
5. Reconciling the Truth-Claims of Science and Religion
Part Three: Reason and Revelation in Dealing with the Environmental Crisis
6. A Systems-Oriented Environmental Ethic
7. Divine and Human Personhood in a Systems-Oriented Approach to Reality
8. Linking Science and Religion within a New World View