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A Hypertextual Commentary


A Hypertextual Commentary

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Publisher: Peter Lang AG
ISBN: 9783631833544
Number of Pages: 268
Published: 14/12/2020
Width: 14.8 cm
Height: 21 cm

This monograph demonstrates that the books of Exodus–Numbers, taken together, are the result of one, highly creative, hypertextual reworking of the book of Deuteronomy. This detailed reworking consists of around 1,200 strictly sequentially organized conceptual, and at times also linguistic correspondences between Exodus–Numbers and Deuteronomy. The strictly sequential, hypertextual dependence on Deuteronomy explains numerous surprising features of Exodus–Numbers. The critical analysis of Exodus–Numbers as a coherently composed hypertextual work disproves hypotheses of the existence in these writings of Priestly and non-Priestly materials or multiple literary layers.

Sequential hypertextuality – Exodus–Numbers and Deuteronomy – Date and place of composition – Exodus as a reworking of Deut 1:1–12:12 – Leviticus as a reworking of Deut 12:13–17:13 – Numbers as a reworking of Deut 17:14–34:12

Jan Burzynski, Bartosz Adamczewski

Bartosz Adamczewski is Associate Professor of biblical sciences at Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw (Poland). He has published eleven books and numerous articles on the relationships between biblical writings and also on their relationships with historical facts.

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