Freedom Freed by Hope
A Conversation with Johann B. Metz and William F. Lynch on the ‘Identity Crisis’ in the West
Freedom Freed by Hope
A Conversation with Johann B. Metz and William F. Lynch on the ‘Identity Crisis’ in the West
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A hopeless individual is more vulnerable and is threatened with indifference, meaninglessness, apathy, anxiety, stress, and despair. Are there symptoms of this in the West? Is it an individual phenomenon or has it been historically-culturally transmitted?
This book analyzes, from an interdisciplinary perspective (psychology, sociology, neuroscience, philosophy, theology), how hope contributes to forming a mentally healthy and mature identity. But what hope? Is this just for moments of despair? Can hope free imagination, enlarge desires and rehabilitate the zest for life? Is there a phenomenology of hope?
- Status Quaestionis: On Identity, Modernity, and Postmodernity
- The Role of Hope in Metz and Lynch’s Theological Anthropology
- Rethinking Identity in Hope
- Epilogue: Images of Hope