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Mind of Cardinal Newman
Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman: Volume XIX: Consulting the Laity, January 1859 to June 1861
Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman: Volume XX: Standing Firm Amid Trials, July 1861 to December 1863
Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman: Volume XIII: Birmingham and London: January 1849 to June 1850
Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman: Volume XVII: Opposition in Dublin and London: October 1855 to March 1857
Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman: Volume XVI: Founding a University: January 1854 to September 1855
Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman: Volume XXII: Between Pusey and the Extremists: July 1865 to December 1866
Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman: Volume XIV: Papal Aggression: July 1850 to December 1851
Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman: Volume XII: Rome to Birmingham: January 1847 to December 1848
Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman: Volume XI: Littlemore to Rome: October 1845 - December 1846



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