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God be in My Mouth
40 Ways to Grow as a Preacher
Based on a decade's experience of preparing ministry students to become preachers and his own experience as one of today's most gifted preachers, Doug Gay offers an imaginative, practical and inspiring guide for all who are privileged with the task...
Learning to Dream Again
Rediscovering the heart of God
This striking guide to thoughtful Christian living explores the everyday experience of Christian hope and wisdom. In thirty six short and engaging reflections, Sam Wells explores what influences and shapes how we live, love, think, read Scripture,...
Blessed are the Poor?
Urban Poverty and the Church
Laurie Green considers a number of key biblical texts as well as recent research on poverty in the UK and asks what the Church's ministry among the poor would need to look like in order to be true to the gospel. The book ends with practical outcomes...
Mixed Blessings
Being the People of God
In a series of exquisite and memorable reflections on scripture, Barbara Brown Taylor considers the startling reality of what it means to be the people of God. It is a calling not to be taken lightly as it is just as likely to challenge everything...