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Common Worship Lectionary Advent 2024 to the Eve of Advent 2025 (Standard Format)
Presents the recommended Bible readings (references only) for Sundays, weekdays and Principal Festivals worked out for the year between Advent 2024 and Advent 2025. Standard format.
Paperback / softback
Blessed are the Poor?
Urban Poverty and the Church
Laurie Green considers a number of key biblical texts as well as recent research on poverty in the UK and asks what the Church's ministry among the poor would need to look like in order to be true to the gospel. The book ends with practical outcomes...
Listening to Your Soul
A spiritual direction workbook
Paperback / softback
Preaching Women
Gender, Power and the Pulpit
"Preaching Women" considers reasons why women preachers should preach from their experiences as women, what women bring to preaching that is missing without us, and how women preachers can go about the task of biblical preaching.
Paperback / softback