Jurgen Moltmann
Professor Jurgen Moltmann is Professor emeritus of Systematic Theology at the Univerisity of Tubingen, Germany. He is one of the most important post-war, post-Holocaust theologians whose work has influenced the last two generations of theological thought in Germany and worldwide.

Living God and the Fullness of Life
Paperback / softback
History and the Triune God
Paperback / softback
Spirit of Hope
Paperback / softback
Experiences of God
Paperback / softback
Experiment Hope
Living God and the Fullness of Life
Paperback / softback
Sun of Righteousness, Arise!
God's Future for Humanity and the Earth
Paperback / softback
Future of Creation
Open Church
Invitation to a Messianic Lifestyle
Paperback / softback
On Human Dignity
Paperback / softback
Power of the Powerless
Paperback / softback
Concilium 1992/3 Fundamentalism as an Ecumenical Challenge
Paperback / softback
Theology and Joy
Paperback / softback
Concilium 1990/2
Paperback / softback
Faith and the Future
Essays on Theology, Solidarity, and Modernity
Paperback / softback
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