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SLG Press

SLG Press is a small publishing house run by the Community of the Sisters of the Love of God (SLG), an Anglican contemplative community based in Oxford, England. 

Browse through their wide range of books below, all covering different aspects of Christian spirituality. Authors include Rowan Williams, Esther de Waal and Benedicta Ward. 

SLG Press
Amado Nervo

Amado Nervo

John Gallas

Paperback / softback


Anglo-Saxon Poets
Ann Griffiths and Her Writings
Apostolate and the Mirrors of Paradox
At the Lighting of the Lamps
Anselm of Canterbury
Augustine Baker
Bringing Forth Christ
Carmelite Ascent
Called to be Priests

Called to be Priests

Hugh Wybrew

Paperback / softback


Chancing on Sanctity
Creative Suffering

Creative Suffering

Iulia De Beausobre

Paperback / softback


Dante's Spiritual Journey


Arthur Bell

Paperback / softback


Desert of the Heart: Daily Readings with the Desert Fathers
Ecology of the Heart

Ecology of the Heart

Duncan Forbes

Paperback / softback




Sister Raphael SLG

Paperback / softback


Eight Chapters on Perfection and Angels' Song
Exploring Silence

Exploring Silence

Wendy Robinson

Paperback / softback


Facing Depression
Four Ways to the Cross

Four Ways to the Cross

Tony Dickinson

Paperback / softback


Friendship in God
From Holy Week to Easter
From Loneliness to Solitude
Fly Not Too High
Gift of Joy

Gift of Joy

Curtis Almquist

Paperback / softback


God and Darkness
God Under my Roof

God Under my Roof

Esther De Waal

Paperback / softback


Gregory of Nyssa and the Sins of Asia Minor
Growing Old with God
Help! No Minister!
Divine Themes & Celestial Praise
Hidden Joy
Hidden Way of Love
I Have Called You Friends
Identity and Ritual

Identity and Ritual

Alan Griffiths

Paperback / softback


In Company with Christ
In the Footsteps of the Lord
‘In the image of the Image’
Journeying with the Jesus Prayer
Jesus the Undistorted Image of God
Julian of Norwich
Julian of Norwich

Julian of Norwich

Paperback / softback


Kind of Watershed
Lazarus, Come Out

Lazarus, Come Out

Bonnie Thurston

Paperback / softback


Learn to be at Peace
Lent with George Herbert

Lent with George Herbert

Tony Dickinson

Paperback / softback




Mother Mary Clare

Paperback / softback


Letters of Ammonas, Successor of St Antony
Liturgy of the Eucharist: An Introductory Guide
Letters of Saint Antony the Great
Living Healing

Living Healing

Andy Lord

Paperback / softback


Love Unknown
Love will Come with Fire
Middle English Poet

Middle English Poet

John Gallas

Paperback / softback


Monastic Hours of Prayer
Mixed Life
Monastic Letters of St Athanasius the Great
Monastic Vocation
On Tour in Byzantium
Our Deepest Desire
Out of the Depths
Pearls of Life
Our Father
Pilgrim's Book of Prayers
Poet of the Word
Pondering, Praying, Preaching
Power of the Name


2nd Edition

Gilbert Shaw

Paperback / softback


Prayer and Holiness
Prayer and the Life of Reconciliation
Prayer and the Struggle Against Evil
Prayer of Silence

Prayer of Silence

Alexander Ryrie

Paperback / softback


Prayers of Jacob of Serugh

Prayers of Jacob of Serugh

Mary Hansbury

Paperback / softback


Prayer of the Heart
Reflections of Abba Zosimas
River of the Spirit
Saint Gregory Nazianzen
Sayings of the Urban Fathers and Mothers
Selected Poems

Selected Poems

Clare McKerron

Paperback / softback


Shall All Be Well?
Simplicity of Prayer
Silence in Prayer and Action
Shem`on the Graceful

Shem`on the Graceful

Mary Hansbury

Paperback / softback


Single Person

Single Person


Philip Welsh

Paperback / softback


Solitude and Communion
Spiritual Wisdom of the Syriac Book of Steps
Still Listening
Strength in Weakness
Take Flight to God
Spirituality of Saint Cuthbert
This Far Place


John Gallas

Paperback / softback


True Easter
Trinity and Incarnation in Anglican Tradition


Dumitru Staniloae, Kallistos Ware

Paperback / softback


Unknowing & Astonishment
Way and the Truth and the Life
Voice Inside Our Home
Visiting Minister
Wisdom of Saint Isaac the Syrian
With One Heart and Mind
Drops in the Sea of Time
World of the Desert Fathers

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