Rosalind Brown
ROSALIND BROWN is a Canon of Durham Cathedral; previously she trained ordinands at STETS, in Sarum College. A hymn writer of renown, she is the author of Being a Deacon Today.

Prayers for Living
500 Prayers for Public and Private Worship
Rosalind Brown
Paperback / softback
How Hymns Shape Our Lives
Rosalind Brown
On Being a Priest Today
Rosalind Brown,
Christopher Cocksworth
Paperback / softback
Apostolic Women, Apostolic Authority
Women in Today's Church
Martyn Percy,
Rosalind Brown,
Claire Amos
This volume focuses on the distinctive voice and contribution of women to senior ordained and lay Anglican leadership and assesses where the Communion currently is, and looks constructively and courageously to the future. Stories from around the...
Paperback / softback
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