Age of the Spirit
Charismatic Renewal, the Anglo-World, and Global Christianity, 1945-1980
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Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780198847496
Number of Pages: 280
Published: 10/01/2023
Width: 16 cm
Height: 24.2 cm
This expansive study offers an interpretation of the 'new Pentecost': the rise of charismatic Christianity, before, during, and after the 'long 1960s'. It examines the translocal actors, networks, and media which constructed a 'Spiritscape' of charismatic renewal in the Anglo-world contexts of Australia, the British Isles, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, and the United States. It places this arena also in a wider and dynamic worldwide setting, exploring the ways in which charismatic imaginations of an 'age of the Spirit' were shaped by interpenetrations with the 'Third World', the Soviet Bloc, and beyond in the global Sixties and Seventies.
Age of the Spirit explains charismatic developments within Protestantism and Catholicism, mainline and non-denominational churches, and within existing pentecostalisms, and places these in relation to lively scholarly themes such as secularisation, authenticity, and cosmopolitanism. It offers an unrivalled analysis of charismatic music, books, television, conferences, personalities, community living, and controversies in the 1960s and 1970s. It looks forward to the many global legacies of charismatic renewal, for example in relation to the politics of sexuality in the Anglican Communion, or to support for President Donald J. Trump. The essential question at the heart of this book is relevant for scholars and practitioners of Christianity alike: how did charismatic renewal transform the churches in the twentieth century, moving from the periphery to the mainstream?
1: Introduction 2: Potential 3: Pentecost 4: Mediation 5: Body 6: Imagination 7: World 8: Legacy
Useful book. * Nigel G. Wright, Baptist Quarterly * Anyone interested in modern US Christian history will know about the dramatic rise of Pentecostal and Charismatic forms of faith since the mid-twentieth century, but it is really useful to have this kind of comparative transnational dimension, to prevent us trying to see and explain things only in the specific US context. * Philip Jenkins, Anxious Bench * The charismatic renewal changed everything, including ... how history might be written. Spiritscape calls for a spirited account ... The resulting map is richly complex: the Spirit is clearly brilliant at multi-tasking, harvesting seekers from an astonishing array of mystical esoterica as well as the struggling orthodox in need of reviving and marginalised poor and migrants in need of survival rations. Local developments become global movements; Anglophone
Christianity flows into the spiritualities of Asia, Africa, Europe and South America; the apparently haphazard morphs into the organic while maintaining uniqueness; ... sympathetic treatment of the novelties of renewal increases the credibility of critical discernment; the weight of massive scholarship is worn
lightly in sparkling prose. This book is a miracle and, as such, a worthy account of probably the most significant movement in twentieth-century Christianity. * Associate Professor Stuart Piggin, Macquarie University * John Maiden's magisterial Age of the Spirit is essential reading for those seeking to understand the connections between the Catholic charismatic renewal and the evolving Christian landscape in the years after the Second Vatican Council. Every page yields surprising details, unappreciated personal connections and rich theological debates across seemingly distinctive forms of denominational identity and ecclesial expression [...] It powerfully intervenes,
with closely sketched case studies, into longstanding debates about secularisation and post-Sixties ecclesiological experimentation while also offering new framings of contemporary expressive spirituality and practical ecumenical exchanges. It will become a staple on all modern religious history reading lists. * Dr Alana Harris, Director of Liberal Arts and Reader in Modern British Social, Cultural and Gender History, King's College London * John Maiden's Age of the Spirit is by far the best study of Anglophone charismatic renewal in global context. Not only is this beautifully written book abundant with meticulous new research from diverse archival sources, it is also theoretically sophisticated, offering new interpretive paradigms for understanding the global impact of this crucial movement. Maiden's book is instantly essential reading for anyone seeking to understand contemporary
manifestations of charismatic-style Christianity, from Hillsong to Pope Francis and all points between. * Rev Dr Caleb Maskell, Associate National Director, Vineyard USA * As a participant in many of its dimensions I sometimes recalled the journalistic nostrum, 'Anybody who thinks they know what's going on clearly doesn't understand the situation!' Maiden's book goes a long way to remedying that situation and also poses the question, 'What would today's church be like if it all had never happened?' * Nigel G. Wright, Baptist Quarterly * Maiden offers a wide-ranging and impressively documented assessment of a key turning point in the history of charismatic Christianity that can be read with profit by Pentecostal and Anglican scholars alike. The centrepiece of Age of the Spirit are his three chapters devoted respectively to "Mediation", "Body", and "Imagination". * Jeremy Bonner, Lindisfarne College of Theology * Some books are flabby, but Age of the Spirit is not. There is one theme per chapter so that each topic is dealt with distinctly; and yet ingeniously Age of the Spirit incorporates chronological development as well, so that the reader is taken through the time period. The book gives great aesthetic satisfaction by its structure. The international dimension is very striking...The book is not just about the period 1945-1980. It also extends backwards
beyond 1945 to the nineteenth century and even back to John Wesley and to the Reformation. It has an eye for the long-term processes that led into renewal and perhaps even more valuably for the reader there is suggestiveness about what followed. This is a landmark book. * David Bebbington, University of Stirling * John Maiden's groundbreaking work explores the contours of the global Charismatic movement - the character of its people and the nature of its networks. A tour-de-force exploration of the people, places, practices, and imaginary of Charismatic Christianity, Age of the Spirit is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand the global movement that is reshaping Christianity in the twenty-first century. * Leah Payne, George Fox University and Portland Seminary, Anglo-world and global Christianity *