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Caught Reading Again

Scholars and Their Books

Caught Reading Again

Scholars and Their Books

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Publisher: SCM Press
ISBN: 9780334041092
Number of Pages: 226
Published: 28/08/2009
Width: 14 cm
Height: 21.6 cm

Contributors to this collection have been asked to re-read the book that inspired them the most at the outset of their career, or earlier, and then describe what that book offers them now, and how the book and the reader have changed - be it theologically, culturally, politically, personally or professionally - since that first inspiring read. Each chapter reads differently, the tone changing from author to author depending on their various social and political locations, their gender and ethnic differences.

Contributors represent different disciplines - Systematic Theology, Biblical Studies, Cultural and English Studies. The selection also reflects male and female, centre and margin, Black and White representations. Each is a very well-established figure in their field and, more crucially, they are at the stage in their career to undertake the type of exercise envisioned in this exciting and unusual project.

Autobiographical criticism is a growing tool in most academic fields and here for the first time, a group of eminent theologians ask themselves about the relationship between the reader and the book. Each scholars addresses the book's original context and the present context; their theological and hermeneutical journey; how the theological landscape has changed over the years for them; the memories these re-readings bring; their prejudices, theological likes and dislikes, and how these have shaped their theological thinking today.

Contributions from dynamic thinkers from around the globe, include: Stephen Moore, Elisabeth Schussler Fiorenza, Regina Schwartz, Fernando Segovia, Laura Donaldson, Kwok Pui-Lan, Alice Bach, Roland Boer, Archie Lee, Elsa Tamez, Christopher Rowland, Yvonne Sherwood, Sharon Ringe, Tina Pippan, Randall Bailey and more.

R S Sugirtharajah

R. S. Sugirtharajah was born and brought up in Sri Lanka and had his postgraduate education in India and the UK. He is Professor Emeritus in Biblical Hermeneutics at Birmingham University, UK and has taught and lectured in several countries.

R. S. Sugirtharajah

R S Sugirtharajah is currently Professor of Biblical Hermeneutics and Postgraduate/International Students Welfare Tutor at the University of Birmingham. His current teaching and research are in the areas of Postcolonial theory and biblical studies; History and politics of the Bible translation; The Bible and popular culture; Asian, African, Caribbean, Pacific and Latin American biblical interpretations and theologies and Theology and literature.

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