Standing under the Cross
Essays on Bonhoeffer’s Theology
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Chapter 1
Studying Theology in a Time of Crisis: Bonhoefferian Insights for Theological Thinking Today
Part I: The Forms of the Word
Chapter 2
'As a Whole and in its Parts': Bonhoeffer's Approach to Scripture
Chapter 3:
Living in the Forms of the Word: Bonhoeffer and Franz Rozenweig on the Apocalyptic Materiality of Scripture
Chapter 4
The Weakness of the Word and the Reality of God: Bonhoeffer's Grammar of Worldly Living
Chapter 5
Lutheran or Lutherish? Engaging Michael DeJonge on Bonhoeffer's Reception of Luther
Part II: The Vulnerabilities of Bodily Life
Chapter 6
Creatures Coram Deo: Bonhoeffer, Disability and Theological Anthropology
Chapter 7
Encountering Grace After the Fall: Bonhoeffer’s 'Natural Life' as a Response to Gerald McKenny on Biotechnology
Chapter 8
Should We Live Forever? Reflections on Life Extension Technologies with Bonhoeffer and Karl Barth
Part III: The Politics of the Cross
Chapter 9
'Only Suffering God can Help': Bonhoeffer and Jürgen Moltmann on Divine Passibility
Chapter 10
The Spirit and the Community: Pneumatology and Ecclesiology in Robert Jenson, Reinhard Hütter and Bonhoeffer
Chapter 11
The Politics of Jesus and the Ethics of Christ: On Why Bonhoeffer is not an Anabaptist
Chapter 12
The Stumbling Block and the Lynching Tree: Reading Bonhoeffer's 'Lectures on Christology' with James Cone