Feasting on the Word
Preaching the Revised Common Lectionary Year A Vol. 2
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With the twelve-volume series Feasting on the Word, Westminster John Knox Press offers one of the most extensive and well-respected resources for preaching on the market today. When complete, the twelve volumes will cover all of the Sundays in the three-year lectionary cycle, along with moveable occasions.The page layout is truly unique. For each lectionary text, preachers will find brief essaysA--one each on the exegetical, theological, pastoral, and homiletical challenges of the text. Each volume will also contain an index of biblical passages so that nonlectionary preachers may make use of its contents. The printed volumes for Ordinary Time include the complementary stream during Year A, the complementary stream during the first half of Year B, the semicontinuous stream during the second half of Year B, and the semicontinuous stream during Year C. Beginning with the season after Pentecost in Year C, the alternate lections for Ordinary Time not in the print volumes will be available online at feastingontheword.net.
"Wonderfully organized and intelligently shaped, these reflections on Scripture are sure to be a valuable aid for those in ministry." Stanley Hauerwas, Gilbert T. Rowe Professor of Theological Ethics, Duke University Divinity School "David Bartlett and Barbara Brown Taylor are to be congratulated for creating a unique and remarkable commentary that stands head and shoulders above the rest." The Living Church "The most ecumenical and comprehensive of the lectionary commentaries." Thomas G. Long, Bandy Professor of Preaching, Candler School of Theology, Emory University, Atlanta "A monumental contribution. These substantial and beautifully produced volumes address the reader with all the gravitas and grace that preaching deserves (and requires). Feasting on the Word will richly repay your investment." The Christian Century