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Churchwarden's Yearbook 2025

Churchwarden's Yearbook 2025

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Publisher: Churchwarden Publications Ltd
ISBN: 9780904631289
Published: 15/09/2024

The diary specially designed for churchwardens covers: Advent 2024 – Epiphany 2026, with extra pages for planning 2026; one-week-to-view, starting on Sundays; Common Worship readings for the Principal Service and BCP readings for Holy Communion for every Sunday, Principal Feast, Festival and Holy Day; liturgical colours for every day of the year; naming of all Sundays, Principal Feasts, Holy Days, Festivals, Lesser Festivals, Commemorations and Saints’ Days in the calendars of the Church of England and the Church in Wales; notification of flag days, church-related events, bank and public holidays; items of local, national, traditional and customary interest; four year calendar, year planners for 2025 and 2026. Times of sunrise and sunset; extra pages for names, address, notes, churchwardens’ expenses.

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