And Moses Put His Shoes On
The journey of following and leading has its ups and downs
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Tim Montgomery has written candidly about his own experiences of leading Christian organisations and churches over the last 25 years and reflected on this in the light of Moses, his favourite leader.
This is not another book on how to do it but rather how to become who you are meant to be. “God always looks in the cracked pot and sees the treasure within”, says Tim ... several times in this book.
FOREWORD by The Rt Revd James Newcome, Bishop of Carlisle:
Tim Montgomery is a truly engaging person: so it comes as no surprise to me that he has written such an engaging book.
His own leadership has been tested – and proved – in a variety of different contexts. He has worked with young people and with older people; with ordained people and with lay people; with paid staff – and with volunteers. This rich experience shines through as he relates the story of Moses to the challenge of church leadership today.
I have learnt a great deal from Tim – and much of what he has taught me is expressed in these pages. He is honest about the problems we face and enthusiastic about the opportunities we have for making a real difference. In particular, he is passionate about remaining close to God as we travel onwards – and about making it possible for others to share leadership with us and blossom in the process.
There is nothing glib or trite about this book. It is rooted in scripture, comes from the heart and speaks powerfully to the situation in which we find ourselves. It is also highly readable – and extremely encouraging. I’m glad it has been written – and pleased to commend it to anyone who wishes to reflect on the call to be a leader in today’s church.