Sin and Grace
Evangelical Soteriology In Historical Perspective
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Paperback / softback
Publisher: Inter-Varsity Press
ISBN: 9781783596720
Number of Pages: 320
Published: 19/11/2020
Width: 15.6 cm
Height: 23.4 cm
Tony Lane surveys a wide range of doctrines relating to our experience of God’s gracious salvation. He begins with our need as sinful and fallen people, moves on to consider what is involved in becoming a Christian – majoring on justification (being put right with God) – and concludes with sanctification (living the Christian life). As well as expounding various aspects of these doctrines, Lane introduces their historical roots in classical expositions.
Lane warns that these doctrines are in danger of being lost by significant sectors of evangelicalism, and he explains them clearly. He encourages readers to hold firmly to an evangelical soteriology, having a greater understanding of it and a stronger conviction of its truth, with experience of its application to Christian discipleship.
Part 1. The Need: Sin
1. Creation and Fall
Excursus: Asceticism
2. Sin and Bondage
3. Original Sin
4. The Fall
5. Sin and Guilt
6. Wrath of God
Part 2. Becoming a Christian
A. Grace and Election
7. The Need for Grace
8. Prevenient and Efficacious Grace
9. Election and Predestination
Excursus: TULIP
B. Baptism and Initiation
10. Christian Initiation
11. Conversion
12. Efficacy of Baptism
13. Origins of Infant Baptism
14. Theologies of Baptism and Infant Baptism
15. Issues Behind Infant Baptism
Part 3. Being Put Right with God: Justification
A. Theology of Justification
16. Two Models of Justification
17. Justification in the NT
18. Ground of Justification
Excursus: The Five ‘Solas’
19. Value of Good Works
20. Assurance of Salvation
B. Catholic-Protestant Dialogues on Justification
21. Regensburg Colloquy
Appendix: The Text of Article 5
22. Council of Trent
23. Modern Ecumenical Debates
24. Issues at Stake
C. Related Topics
25. Forgiveness and Fear
26. Self-love and Self-Esteem
Part 4. Living the Christian Life: Sanctification
27. Sanctification
Excursus: Second Blessing?
28. Perseverance and Apostasy
29. Simple Life-style
30. Perfection?
Epilogue: Future Glory
Texts for Further Study
This excellent discussion is both thorough and accessible, seasoned with pithy analogies and illustrations, and tested over decades of teaching. One of the world's leading Calvin scholars and an authority on the historical debates on justification, Lane has a remarkable depth and breadth of knowledge but uses it judiciously and unobtrusively. Operating clearly within biblical and evangelical parameters he displays independent judgement, cogently presented, but free from anything partisan. For a wide readership beyond the popular level, this is the best single book on sin and grace of which I am aware. * Robert Letham, Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology, Union School of Theology *