Reimagining the Landscape of Faith
Essential pathways for spiritual growth
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Paperback / softback
Publisher: BRF (The Bible Reading Fellowship)
ISBN: 9781800392717
Number of Pages: 256
Published: 24/01/2025
Width: 13 cm
Height: 19.8 cm
Is this all there is to faith?
Every Christian carries a map, a mental image of their journey through life, created from their Christian tradition, their cultural background and their understanding of the Bible. Many Christians will also, at some point in their life, begin to question their map – causing them to ask, ‘Is this all there is?’ and ‘How did I get here?’
Mary and Charles Hippsley help us to identify our faith map, including the unexamined assumptions that underpin it. Then, drawing on a range of sources of wisdom including personal experience, they gently encourage us to allow God to expand our map when we find that our faith doesn’t match up with the reality of life. They aim to equip the reader to navigate their journey towards maturity by exploring new paths and landscapes of faith.