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Addiction and Pastoral Care

Addiction and Pastoral Care

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Publisher: Canterbury Press Norwich
ISBN: 9781848259744
Number of Pages: 112
Published: 30/07/2018
Width: 13.5 cm
Height: 21.6 cm

Addiction can take many forms and there can hardly be a minister, or a prison, college or schools' chaplain who will not have encountered its damaging effects on individuals, their families and local communities.

In the UK in 2014, there were 3,300 drug-related deaths and almost 9,000 alcohol related deaths. 70% of offenders admit to a drug problem before prison and drug use is a major problem throughout the prison system.

Besides these, compulsive behaviours of all kinds damage personal and communal wellbeing. Clergy and pastoral workers are often in the front line caring for addicts and their families, usually without any professional training.

This handbook from an experienced pastoral practitioner offers:

- An exploration of the psychology of addiction

- A theological perspective on desire

- The nature of pastoral care with addicts

- Practical models of pastoral care

- Resources for professional care

Nicolas Roberts

Nicolas Roberts has worked as a parish priest, university chaplain, hospital and mental health chaplain, and as a consultant in psychological counselling for St Luke's Healthcare for the Clergy. His PhD thesis was on the psychology of addiction and was supervised by Alister McGrath.

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