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All Age Worship


All Age Worship

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Paperback / softback


Publisher: Authentic Media
ISBN: 9781850787464
Number of Pages: 112
Published: 01/05/2007
Width: 15.5 cm
Height: 23.3 cm
This book is a readytouse resource for allage worship services on the theme of celebrations. Using a wide range of innovative teaching activities, users will be able to simply and easily put on family services. It includes drama, poetry, prayers, activity ideas and lots of humor. It will make life easy for those in charge of planning allage worship. You can either use the ideas straight from the page or adapt them by adding your own ideas. Celebrations covered New Years, Palm Sunday, Good Friday, Easter, Pentecost, Harvest, Advent and Christmas.

Nick Page, Claire Page

Nick Page is a writer, information designer, and creative consultant. He has written a number of books, including street life; The Tabloid Bible; Lord Minimus; BLUE; The Church Invisible; The Longest Week:the truth about Jesus Last Days and The Wrong Messiah: the truth of Jesus of Nazareth He also writes regular articles for Youthwalk, Christianity and Renewal, and works for a number of charities and NGOs. He and his wife, Claire, have three daughters and live in Eynsham in Oxfordshire, England. Claire Page is a multi-talented author of children's books, many of which she has co-authored with her husband, Nick. Claire and Nick have three daughters and live in Eynsham in Oxfordshire, England.

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